EXODUS 5: 15-19
Then the officers of the children of Israel came and cried unto Pharaoh, saying, Wherefore dealest thou thus with thy servants?
There is not straw given unto they servants, and they say to us, Make brick: and, behold, thy servants are beaten; but the fault is in thine own people.
But he said, Ye are idle, ye are idle: therefore ye say, Let us go and do sacrifice to the Lord.
Go therefore now, and work; for there shall no straw be given you, yet shall ye deliver the tale of bricks.
And the officers of the children of Israel did see that they were in evil case, after it was said, Ye shall not minish aught from your bricks of your daily task.
Wow! These Children of Israel who have been in bondage these many years go straight to Pharoah. They were told that God would deliver them, they believed and praised God. Pharoah chose not to be obedient to God- Pharoah did not know or respect God. Pharoah not only refused to let them go but placed an even greater burden on them. So now these children turn to their captor who deals cruelly with them and try to reason with him. From a distance this seems to me to be foolish. How did they expect Pharoah to respond? Did they really not know that the order came from him? What were they thinking? Why did they not turn to God and ask Him what was going on? Why did they not even turn to Moses and ask him to seek God on their behalf. Why go directly to pharoah? I might ask myself the same question why not go to God first. How many times did I seek a solution from an ungodly source? Why deal with the person(s) who persecute you on your own strength and in your own name? It is God who will deliver you. It is God whom you can trust. Do not go anywhere, do or say anything when confronting the enemy of your souls without seeking God first.
I completely agree with you. I told my husband just yesterday that God delivered the Isarelities out of bondage so He will deliver us from this sinful world we live in. Jesus said He would return for those who are serving Him. I truly have a peace about the future. God is in control of this universe and He will not forget His promises. He even knows how all of this will end. We should not worry if we are living for Him because our salvation is in God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
So true - why is He not always our first choice?
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