Saturday, September 13, 2008

A phone conversation with a friend and Jesus was listening

I guess this is a season where I am to look at my flaws...I was a bit stressed this morning when I grabbed the phone to speak with my best friend....I let loose with my pity party...I moaned, groaned and complained about everything...feeling ever so sorry for of the many stupid comments that came out of my mouth was "if it has my name on it I want control" point was that if something had my name on it...whether I get credit or blame..I wanted control from beginning to end...I wanted my stamp on everything...I want my work to be a reflection of me...didn't want anyone else messing with it and placing their stamp on it...succeed or fail-it would be my success or friend then interrupted and said that as soon as I said those words she had the thought "If My Name is on her then I want control" we both stopped and then agreed it was the Lord speaking through her... to let me know enough...Yes the Lord gives us free will and with my free will I did ask Him to be Lord of my Life...all things were made by Him and created for Him...I was purchased with a price...He is the potter I am the clay...yet I am not fully submitted to my Lord and Savior...I have allowed the world to influence me...I have tried to make and create my self yet I struggle against the hands of my creator when it gets a bit uncomfortable...I am His creation and called by His name yet I am but a muddied reflection of my creator...but Jesus the master creator continues to work with me refining me, removing the impurities and molding me into His image.


Lynn - JnL4God said...

That was a great revelation you and your friend were getting. That's one of those I want to sock a way to keep as a reference in my life. Thank you.
Also thanks for your comments on my blog, you're always faithful to come visit.

Lynn - JnL4God said...

PS I read it to my husband he really liked it too! That was a great word. I'll be thinking on that for a while. You know how you read some things and there good, but then you read other things and they really hit you. This really hit me. Okay I'll stop now.

Dorothy Champagne said...

Thanks for your candidness. Sometimes our friends or spouses have the 'wonderful' job of reminding us that God is in control - especially when that's not what we want to hear at that moment. Thank you for the reminder that no matter whether I stamp my name on it or not - my work is a reflection of Him and He should be honored.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I can so relate to your post. But we truly do serve a loving and, thankfully, patient God. I'm so grateful He hasn't given up on me when it comes to wanting to be in control. Thanks for being so candid. :)

And thank you for your last comment on my last post. I'm so glad that my aunt knew Jesus at the time of the attacks. It makes going through those memorials a lot easier. And it helped me to share that article. It felt like that was something I needed to do.

Be blessed!


Edie said...

What an incredible God moment and how beautiful is your humble heart. God Bless!

Edie said...

Hi Debrah - Thanks for stopping by my blog. Glad you like the Scripture Tags. "Spread the Word!" :D

Will be visiting again.

From the Heart said...

For some reason I did not know you had a second blog or if I did it just didn't click. I agree with Lynn what a great revelation you and your friend received. We all could use that.

Thanks for your encouraging comments on my latest post. My husband happened to mention this song today and when I found the lyrics I just felt I had to post them. We never know whose lives we are touching or making a difference in what we say or do.
God bless you,

GodsOwn/Bernice said...
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Worshippingeagle said...

Hi Debrah,
It's great how transparent you let yourself be in sharing the revelation God is using in your life to refine you. I so identify with you on being a muddied work in progress. I often talk back to God when he is letting things become uncomfortable in my life. The gifts He gives us are often such a two-edged sword. He makes us bold and strong in an area so we can accomplish His plan. In the World a controlling personality is admired. In God's hands, that character trait is gently , or not so gently  dealt with, depending on how long the Lord has been working with us in an area. What’s a wonderful sign of His long suffering love, is that, like King David, God looks at our heart, and less at our behavior

Worshippingeagle said...
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Anonymous said...
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debrah said...

I deleted a comment by accident.....I believe it was a comment by GB Godsown...I meant to delete comments that multiplied and I somehow deleted at least one by accident...I apologize...GB you gave me such encouragement...thank you...